Goal: The purpose is to give the student the experience of installing and maintaining (fencing) security component of both small and large enterprise networks. There are open source and free firewalls. Also a number of companies on the Web offer a variety of firewalls both in software and ready configured hardware. Some of these companies offer free personal firewall. Others offer high-end but limited corporate firewalls you can download on a trial basis. Check out companies on the Web, and if you are not already using a firewall, download one for free or on trial basis.

Install it and run it. Here is a list of the companies with good software firewalls:

Nature: Hands-on

Duration: 1 Week

Deliverables: 5 double spaced page

Firewall policies – as you install your firewall, decide on the following:

  • Whether you will let Internet users in your organization upload files to the network server.
  • What about letting them download?
  • Will the network have a Webserver? Will inside/outside people access the server?
  • Will the site have telnet?

Your firewall laboratory exercise should use:

  1. Carefully read the tips and online manual.
  2. After reading the manual start to configure the firewall on your pc (follow the guide)
  3. Test your firewall. Do a penetration testing.
    1. Go to Gibson Research at: http://www.grc.com/default.htm (Links to an external site.) and head to “Shields Up” area to test your firewalls and probe your ports. As you run “Shields Up” take note of the activities of the firewall on the right side of your screen.
    2. Use Nessus’s port scanning
  • Use nmap port scanning
  1. Any other port scanner.
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