Sampling and Polls (Clipart from MS Office) You can enter this discussion by clicking on the blue title “Week 1 Discussion – Sampling and Polls” above. Sampling, surveys, and polls are three of the ways in which data is gathered. The results are then presented as information. How can you be fooled by data?  Why/How does the data collected in polls and studies lead us to incorrect conclusions? What impacts do you think polls have or have had on you? Do you pay attention to polls? Do you think national polls impact peoples’ views on a topic? REMEMBER- every post (New Thread or Reply) must be supported by relevant information. Prove the point you are making by a) citing external research, b) citing readings from the class content, or c) providing examples or  personal experiences that are relevant and support your position on the topic. Grading of your participation will be according to the table outlined in the Grading Policy/Rubric for Class Participation (Weeks 1 – 8)” You can see the rubric by clicking on Discussions in the top nav bar, then scrolling down to the Weekly Discussions area.

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