Chapter 1: The New Testament World

Know about the issues (and rulers) associated with the Hellenistic Period (p. 18)

Know about the issues associated with the Maccabees and the Hasmonean Period (p. 18)

Know the ‘Second Temple Period (pp. 16-17)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Pharisees (pp. 19-20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Sadducees (p. 20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Essenes (p. 20)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Zealots (p. 21)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Samaritans (pp. 22-25)

Be able to define/describe the beliefs and practices of the Gentiles, especially ‘God-Fearers’ (p. 25)

Who is Herod the Great? (pp. 27-28)

Who is Herod Antipas? (p. 28)

Who is Pontius Pilate? (pp. 28-29)

What does ‘Diaspora’ Mean? (p. 31)

What is the Septuagint (or LXX)? (p. 32)

Understand the social structures of honor and shame. (pp. 44-45)

Chapter 2: The New Testament Writings

Know and understand the issues related to the development of the Christian canon (pp. 50-53)

Why was a canon (official list of books) needed? (pp. 51-53)

What ideas do most scholars today accept concerning the canon of the NT? (p. 53)

What is Text Criticism? What does it do? (p. 54)

Chapter 3: Jesus

Know the difference between the ‘Pre-Easter Jesus’ and the ‘Post-Easter Jesus’. How are they defined? (pp. 64-65)

Be able to define/describe the elements/facets of Jesus’ ministry (p. 66).

What is the most prominent issue/topic addressed by Jesus? (pp. 66-68)

What are the implications of Jesus’ preaching of the Kingdom of God as it relates to God’s presence and power? (p. 68)

What is the style or conduct of Jesus’ ministry? (pp. 68-70)

What conflicts does Jesus have with the religious leaders? (pp. 69-70)

Chapter 4: The Gospels

What is the genre of the Gospels? (p.82)

What are the results of demon possession in the Gospels? (p. 89)

What are the characteristics of Jesus’ parables in the Gospels? (pp. 85-87)

What are the characteristics of Jesus’ miracles in the Gospels? (pp. 87-90)

What is a ‘Passion Narrative’? (pp. 91-92)

What are the ‘Synoptic Gospels’? (pp. 92-99)

What is ‘Q’? (pp. 95-99)

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