Task 1: The summary must mention at least one law and discuss Task 2: Alexander Rocco Corporation, a large real estate management company in Maui, Hawaii, has contracted your computer consulting company to perform a penetration test on its computer network. The company owns property that houses a five-star hotel, golf courses, tennis courts, and restaurants. ClaudiaMae, the vice president, is your only contact at the company. To avoid undermining the tests you’re conducting, you won’t be introduced to any IT staff or employees. Claudia wants to determine what you can find out about the company’s network infrastructure, network topology, and any discovered vulnerabilities. Research the laws applying to the state where the company is located, and be sure to reference any federal laws that might apply to what you have been asked to do.without any assistance from her or company personnel. Research the laws applying to the state where the company is located, and be sure to reference any federal laws that might apply to what you have been asked to do. Based on this information, write a one-two page report outlining the steps you should take before beginning penetration tests of the Alexander Rocco Corporation. Task 3: Statement of work must be included Task 4: Verify any contractual agreements and Laws

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