Component Systems and Peripherals Unit Top of Form Question 1 Select one answer. 10 points Which of the following best describes the system unit? a case that contains the electronic components used to process data any hardware component that allows you to enter data an electronic component made up of the modem and storage devices hardware that sends and receives data over transmission media Question 2 Select one answer. 10 points Which of the following is NOT an input device? keyboard printer mouse trackball Question 3 Fill in the blanks by selecting one option from each menu. 10 points __________ consists of the electronic components that store the instructions waiting to be executed, the data needed by those instructions, and the results of the processed data. The processor The CPU The control unit Memory Question 4 Select one answer. 10 points What is the purpose of the processor, which is also called the central processing unit (CPU)? This component is software that communicates with the keyboard and monitor. This electronic component interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer. This hardware component communicates with the keyboard and monitor. This electronic component stores instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions. Question 5 Select one answer. 10 points When purchasing a PC, you should upgrade which of the following to the largest amount or number your budget will afford: Internal bays and slots RAM ROM Buses Question 6 Select one answer. 10 points What happens to data, instructions and information held in volatile memory when the computer system is powered off? All content is held in volatile memory until the power is restored. All content is made permanent for future use. All content will be lost. Both A & B Question 7 Select one answer. 10 points An example of a docking station is a/an Slot on the motherboard that holds memory modules. USB port on a laptop or PC. Peripheral component that can be used to link a desktop-sized monitor with a tablet PC. Internal bay that can be used for inserting additional components such as a hard drive. Question 8 Select one answer. 10 points What is a peripheral? A device that connects to the system unit a slot on the motherboard that holds memory modules a component of the system board a high-speed storage location Question 9 Select one answer. 10 points If mobility is the primary criteria for a buyer of a new PC, which of the following would be the most important criteria to consider? the number of USB ports for connecting peripherals the type of software applications to be used—gaming, for instance, requires sophisticated graphics and sound adapter cards the weight and size of the unit the size of the internal hard drive Question 10 Select one answer. 10 points Edwin is a consultant working for a large engineering firm. He travels to visit clients and uses his laptop and a smartphone to stay in touch with the home office. His computer must handle business-related software, and he must have a means of contacting clients and the home office. Into what category of user type would you put Edwin? Home user Power user Mobile user Small business/home user Question 11 Select one answer. 10 points Which of the following is NOT an input device? mouse printer keyboard trackball Question 12 Select one answer. 10 points What is input? data or instructions that have been processed into a useful form any data or information that is processed and presented to the user any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer all processed data Question 13 Select one answer. 10 points Which of the following is NOT a capability of a multifunction printer? printing scanning faxing video Question 14 Fill in the blanks by selecting one option from each menu. 10 points Printers, monitors, and speakers are the three most commonly used _______ devices . Output Input communications processing Question 15 Select one answer…

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