250 words each
First one: Juries and Homosexuals
Do you think juries are biased against homosexuals? Consider juries in different cities, states, and communities. What do you think about the homosexual advance theory – should offenders’ responsibility be reduced for the crime they committed if the victim made a sexual advance toward them? Why or why not?
Provide at least one reference in your post.
2nd: Prosecution of Hate Crimes
Let’s discuss hate crimes.
Why do we classify hate crimes differently than other crimes? What enhancement to punishment exists in DC for hate crime cases (according to the article and video)?
The article states that in DC, very few hate crime cases get prosecuted. Why do you think that is?
Now do some research about hate crime statistics in another state, city, or in the US overall. What do the statistics tell us?
Lastly, in your opinion, is hate crime legislation necessary?
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