Recall your readings in Topic 1 regarding human organ donation and sales. In the article, “Kidney Shortage Inspires A Radical Idea: Organ Sales,” Dr. Francis Delmonico believes that even a regulated human organ trade would be exploitative because “it’s the poor person who sells” (Meckler, 2007). Answer the following questions: Do you agree that allowing a poor person to sell an organ is an exploitative practice? Why or why not? What documented examples from real-life organ donors can you provide to help you demonstrate how a regulated human organ trade would (or would not) be exploitative? If you were writing your definition essay on the term exploitative, how would you define it? You may revisit the Human Organ Donation and Sale Resource List from Topic 1 for resources. Be sure to cite all sources used to compose your answer. Format your in-text citations and reference list entry according to APA Style. Medical Marketplace: Kidney Shortage Inspires A Radical Idea: Organ Sales; As Waiting List Grows, Some Seek to Lift Ban; Exploiting the Poor? – ProQuest (

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