Read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s page on ADHD; the link is provided below. Use the close reading techniques described in Chapter 1 of the e-book. It may be helpful to print off the page and annotate the text. Then, summarize the website in 150-250 words. Your summary should be similar to the example provided in Chapter 1 of the textbook. Your summary should answer at least three of the questions below: What key facts or details does the CDC share about ADHD? In addition to the facts, what impression does the CDC create about ADHD? In other words, how does it make readers feel or what does it make readers think about ADHD? What would motivate the CDC, which is a government institution, to post a page about ADHD? Why, in your view, is the Web page a good or bad method for the CDC to distribute information? How do you think the average reader would react to the CDC’s page about ADHD? (Hint: Do not try to summarize every detail. Focus on the main points the page is trying to convey. It is helpful to think of the CDC’s page in terms of its sections, rather than its many facts.) During the week, read and respond to your classmates’ summaries. Did you emphasize the same points in your summary that they did? Did you have the same impression about ADHD after you summarized it? Why or why not? Link to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s page on ADHD:

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