The paper must consist of the following:

  • Be organized by categories or themes using sub-headings, as needed.
  • Include an introduction to the literature.
  • Thoroughly compare literature (not an annotated bibliography.)
  • Summarize.

Contain 8 to 12 peer-reviewed, scholarly references published within the past 5 years.

Follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing).

Contain scholarly references.

Paper should consist of 88-100 pages excluding title, table of contents, List of tables, figures and appendices and Reference pages. Must be in APA Format and have In-text citations. Must also have literature review for about 8-10 pages included.

Attached are the documents which has a general and detailed outline(format) about the requirements of the paper which is needed to be followed

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