Read the following excerpts from Thomas King’s View in a new windowThe Truth about Stories View in a new window(if you’re pressed for time, focus on the first 10 pages) and Jim Corder’s “Argument as Emergence, Rhetoric as Love”View in a new window (the first 3 sections are most important). As you read, try and form connections between the two arguments. How are they similar? How are they different? What purpose does each one serve and for what audience are they written?

Last week you responded to Peter Elbow’s freewriting task by attempting to answer the question “Who are you?” This week, think about your identity in terms of the stories/narratives that you tell about yourself and that society tells about you. You might think about how you would answer the question of “Who are you?” as compared to how different people might answer it for you. How would your parents answer it? Your best friend? Your classmates? Stranger on the bus? What stories/narratives inform your answer and what stories/narrative inform theirs? What power do these stories or narratives hold? What responsibilities do they come with?

Post a response here that addresses some of these questions. Your response can take the form of structured paragraphs (around 250 words) or it can be more creative (personal narrative, poetry, comics, music, video, collage, etc). Use whatever genre best makes your point. Be sure to finish your response with a reflection on how contemplating your identity in forms of stories/narratives from a variety of perspectives might lead you to discover a research topic of interest for this class.

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