please cite everything!!!

After reviewing the readings and media from Week 2, provide 2-4 pages of critical analysis on the following points:

  • What were some of the characteristics of early hip-hop that you noticed were present as the culture began to make its way into the mainstream in the early 1980s?
  • The readings make numerous references to the influences that African traditions have had on hip-hop culture. What elements of these traditions and rap/hip-hop seem most apparent to you?
  • How did the material in the article “The Sociology & History of African Americans” tie into this discussion?
  • What connections can you make between the concept of “Cool Pose” and your observations of early hip-hop culture?

Inclusion of quotes and/or references from Week 2 course materials are required to earn full credit on this assignment.

Inclusion of quotes and/or references from Week 2 course materials are required to earn full credit on this assignment.

Inclusion of quotes and/or references from Week 2 course materials are required to earn full credit on this assignment.

Inclusion of quotes and/or references from Week 2 course materials are required to earn full credit on this assignment.

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