Choose ONE of the following topics and answer the related questions:

1. Identify and describe four types of taxes that fund state (not local or federal) government in Texas. Explain the relative merits of each tax in terms of generating revenue. What does the revenue generated from the taxes fund? Do you think the system of taxation in Texas is fair (see Who Pays link below)? When there is a budget surplus should taxes be cut or should the money be spent on other areas, such as education, roads, healthcare, etc.?

2. Identify and describe the various bodies that govern the public schools in Texas. Explain some of the specific issues with which these bodies have to deal. Do you think issues of education should be determined by politicians or by trained education officials?

Again, you just have to choose ONE topic for your assignment. Answer all questions related to that topic.

Lesson Writing Assignments

The Lesson Writing Assignments are worth 50 points each. Submissions that are more comprehensive and detailed will earn a higher point total. You need several paragraphs (minimum 500 words). You cannot just write two or three sentences and expect to receive points. Make sure that you cover all parts of the question. I have added some current event articles you can read to help with your assignment. You can emphasize your point by using information from one of the linked articles, the textbook, or add your own current event or other examples (including the experiences of you or someone you know). It helps to include data in your assignment (such as voter turnout rates, incarceration rates, etc.). I want to see that you have read the material and understand the topic, so make sure you are specific in your answers.

Finally, make sure you do not just cut and paste information from an online source. I also suggest that you wait until your Lesson 1 assignment has been graded before moving on to the other lessons. If you have any questions, please contact me through the Messages link.

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