Instructions: After reading the autobiography of Luis Rodriguez and participating in our discussions of the book, now it is your turn to communicate what you learned from the book. In this essay I would like to hear what concepts that you have learned this semester helped you connect to his story and better understand the impacts of intercultural communication. In a 2-3 page essay follow the guidelines below to complete the assignment. In your first paragraph briefly summarize the book to give a general idea of the overall story. End your introduction with a thesis statement about two intercultural communication concepts that will be developed in the body of your essay. In the body of your essay For each intercultural concept you have chosen, identify examples of how each is demonstrated by the characters and/or development of the plot. Describe how the concept is applied in the story. Be specific as you describe the character(s) and/or event(s) where this concept is demonstrated. Use appropriate terms from the text. Evaluate whether the concept is applied effectively or ineffectively (good example or bad example). Analyze the consequences of the concepts effective or ineffective application. Consider the short-term and long-term consequences to the character(s) and/or plot. Go beyond the actual book In a concluding paragraph summarize your insights regarding intercultural communication as demonstrated in the book. What are the major lessons to be learned?

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