In 400 words, compose a synopsis or abstract of extra research you have performed on a specific topic. This week’s topical choices are:

  • Songs, poems, or stories by knightly poets and nobles from Duchy of Aquitaine region. Alternatively, students may wish to make a post about the “borders” in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages, or describe the politics of Aquitanian lands.

Your short post should be concise, but substantive, demonstrating that you have spent a bit of time researching and thinking about the topic. Use sources and indexes in our library, campus database, and on the Internet (such as Google scholar, Grove music online, RILM, JSTOR, and so on) to research topics and prepare your synopsis and post. Include sources (such as quotes and links to source material) or you will receive no credit for your post.

Also include media where applicable (such as audiovisual examples). Links must be clickable and media must be functional in order to be assessed. This is as much an exercise in digital scholarship as it is a dive into a music history topic. Organize your research into a mindful analysis, double-check that any embedded media is accessible, and proofread your post before clicking “Post Reply.”

Nota Bene: It is a good practice (especially if you have a variable Internet connection) to compose your Canvas assignments in Google Drive or other similar office software while you are developing your assignment. When you are satisfied that your assignment is ready to be posted, copy and paste your text into Canvas at that time. This will ensure that you do not work in canvas and inadvertently lose your work.

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