Individual Assignment (suggested level of effort: 3 hours) Continuing with the Suburban Homes Construction Project case study found at the end of chapter 6 (and reviewing previous chapters 1 through 5), CPM 4e, complete the following individual assignment: (20 points) Stakeholder identification and prioritization matrix (Exhibit 6-2) (20 points) Stakeholder Matrix (Exhibit 6-4) (20 points) Stakeholder Engagement Matrix (Exhibit 6-5) (20 points) Communication Matrix (Exhibit 6-9) (20 points) Mechanics You will be assessed on content and mechanics. Content (80 points): The content must be based on the case study materials and reading assignments.  The PMBOK 6e and CPM 4e, along with other reputable resources can be used to supplement the responses through summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting those sources. Each matrix should be followed by a discussion of the matrix and how to use/interpret it. Mechanics (20 points): The total assignment length should be at least 3 pages, not to exceed 4 pages.  This is not an academic paper, therefore you do not need to follow APA guidelines.  You should review the assignment rubric in Moodle to ensure that you address all aspects of each component to this assignment. Your Instructor will use Turn-it-in to ensure your paper is authentic work. To avoid plagiarism, see the course home page for more information and use the Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to paraphrase, summarize and cite the references you use in all academic writing assignments.

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