Question and Problem Sets

Purpose of Assignment

Students should understand the operating and cash cycles of a company, the mechanics in preparing a cash budget, the use of exchange rates and interest rate parity in international finance and valuation of a company in a merger and acquisition.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word® functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web that offer support for office products.

Complete the following Questions and Problems from each chapter as indicated.

Show all work and analysis.

Prepare in Microsoft® Excel® or Word.

  • Ch. 18: Questions 3 & 11 (Questions and Problems section)
  • Ch. 20: Questions 8 & 14 (Questions and Problems section)
  • Ch. 21: Questions 4 & 7 (Questions and Problems section)
  • Ch. 26: Questions 1 & 2 (Questions and Problems section): Microsoft® Excel® template provided for Problem 2

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines if submitting in Microsoft® Word.

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Ch. 26: Mergers and Acquisitions

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