Student Nurse Profiles and List of Specialty Areas

Imagine you are an Academic Educator instructing beginning nursing students on how to integrate the theoretical components of the classroom experience into the clinical environment. On Day 1 of Week 10, your Instructor will assign you to one of the following Student Nurse Profiles to complete your Module 6 Assessment. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Student Nurse Profile assignment.

Student Nurse Profiles

· Student Nurse in a psychiatric unit (2nd- to 3rd-year level nursing)

· Student Nurse in a medical-surgical unit (1st-year medical-surgical student) where the possibility of surgery exists for the patient

· Entry-level Student Nurse with no clinical experience (never has been in the role of a nurse)

· Student Nurse in the community-based environment (senior-level nursing)

List of Specialty Areas

Once you have been assigned to your Student Nurse Profile, next select a specialty area from the following list to match your Student Nurse Profile.

· Psychiatry

· Medical-Surgical

· Obstetrics/Gynecology

· Pediatrics

· Critical Care

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