Ill-structured problems (ISPs) have no clear goals or constraints and often involve ethical dilemmas. In fact, ISPs are highly dependent on context as well as the perspective of those who are solving the problem. In approaching an ill-structured problem, educational leaders must attend to alternative points of view and create arguments to justify the proposed solution. The purpose of this case study is to respond to an ill-structured problem with a potential solution. After reading the case study “Discrimination or Background Knowledge, Part I” found at the end of Chapter 1, respond to the following questions: What characteristics of the case study demonstrate that this is an ill-structured problem? What ISLLC standards are applicable to this case study and how would you justify your explanation using the text? Acknowledging the legal and ethical issues surrounding this case, how would you professionally respond to the following groups to begin to uncover a solution without adding “fuel to the fire”? How might you respond to the minority parents who feel their children have been denied access? How would you respond to the principals who feel students of color do not have proper study skills? The Journal Must be at least 1.5 double-spaced pages in length

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