Please make sure that you read THE LITERATURE REVIEW OF TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION MODELS AND THEORIES FOR THE NOVELTY TECHNOLOGY before completing the assignment. A local community college has a problem with retention of students. The community college has done some preliminary research and found out that students feel disconnected and do not know what is going on with their course schedules, degree programs and options. The community college’s board of directors has decided through the use of a consultant that a mobile phone application that runs on Apple and Android smartphones is the best strategy to help with the perceived feeling of being ‘disconnected’ by the students. You are in charge of coming up with a solution, essentially the application and making sure that this is going to be integrated with the school’s information systems (none are specified, so make some assumptions) which is going to provide students with information. What are some of the basic features that you would put in the application? How can you measure the potential success of the program before it is implemented? Who are your stakeholders in the project and how can they be useful to you in answering the question of whether or not they would use the program? Please make sure that the paper is APA formatted, citations and references, as well. Please reference some of the models that are mentioned in the article and/or a model or approach that you have found that you think will be more effective.

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