Hello! I’m in a basic Sql course and I need help on my assignment. I’ve already did a full paper for the tasks on week 1-3 about a fictitious uniform company.

I’ve created the tables and inserted records for the first part of Week 4’s tasks. I need your help finishing week 4 and If satisfied, will send you week 5 after I get this answer back. PLEASE READ THE PAPER AND MAKE THE SQL STATEMENTS BASED OFF OF WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN AND THE DIAGRAMS I CREATED. If i have errors on what I did for the SQL Statements, let me know what you changed. If you needed sources for the SQL statements, add them onto the final page of the references in APA format.

teacher’s ppt for this section I need help with is also attached. Week 4 objectives and tasks are listed below in Bold, underline and Italics:

You have been asked to develop a database system plan for a local company (or a company of your choosing) that wants to track its customers/clients, appointments, billing, and employees. Structured query language (SQL) is used to create the database schema, maintain the database records, and perform administrative tasks. In addition to the Database System Plan template that includes section headings (project outline), submit a SQL Statements document of 4–5 pages based on the entity relationship (ER) model completed in Week 3. Complete the following:

  • Include SQL statements that use data definition language (DDL) commands to create the database schema specified in the ER diagram created in Week 3.
    • Include indexes, constraints, and relationships.
  • Include SQL statements that use data manipulation language (DML) to do the following:
    • INSERT 15 records into each table.
    • UPDATE 5 sets of records in each table using one specific criteria per update statement (e.g., EXACT MATCH, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN, or HAVING).
    • DELETE 2 records from 1 table based on specific criteria (e.g., EXACT MATCH or LIKE).
  • Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data from the database, using SELECT statements to accomplish the following:
    • Aggregate (group) functions (count, avg, min, max, sum)
      • Write 4 queries using group functions.
    • Group By
      • Write 2 queries using the Group By, Having, and Order By syntax.
    • Simple queries
      • Write 4 queries that manipulate data in 1 table.
    • Join queries
      • Write 4 queries that join 2 or more tables.
  • Add this section to the SQL Statements section of your database system plan.
  • Name the document as follows:
    • yourname_IT600_

  • All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section by using APA format.
  • Submit the document for grading.
  • Part 1 Tasks (objectives from Weeks 1–4)
    • System Requirements Specification (New Content for Week 1): Include a feasibility analysis that details what specific steps need to be performed at this phase of the project, clarifies the scope of the project, provides an estimate for cost and time to develop the database, and justifies the need for the proposed database.
    • Conceptual Data Model (Week 2): Identify the entities and highest-level relationships using an embedded diagram (Use Visio software application where applicable). Describe the problem and data requirements in the narrative, as well as your rationale for the conceptual model. Justify your design by discussing how the design will solve the problem presented in the case scenario.
    • Entity Relationship Diagram (Week 3): Use Visio software application to create an entity relationship (ER) diagram that includes the primary keys for all entities, the relationships between different entities, the attributes (and data types) for each entity, and junction tables to support any many-to-many relationships. Be sure that the design meets a minimum of third normal form (3NF).
      • Describe the steps that you took to ensure that your design was normalized to the desired level and any exceptions you had to make to prevent anomalies and a loss in data integrity.
    • SQL Statements (Week 4): Create the data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) SQL statements that will be used to create the database schema.
      • Create the stored procedures to support retrieval of the data from the database.

  • Part 2 Tasks (objectives from Week 5)
    • Database Administration (Week 5): Using data control language (DCL), control access to the data by adding a group of users who have been granted the ability to perform specific tasks.
      • Write the SQL queries that will support the efficient execution of transactions in the database.
      • Create an execution plan for each query, and provide a performance analysis of the results of each plan. In your analysis, discuss which queries you would change (including how and why).
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