Special education teachers sometimes must build positive, collaborative relationships around negative situations. Despite a situation’s circumstances, it is important to focus on student-centered solutions that offer support for both staff and students with the goal of long-term success. Review the following scenario to inform the assignment. Mr. Santiago’s sixth grade classroom is next to Ms. Lujano’s classroom and on some days the walls seem too thin. Ms. Lujano has shared with you, the special education teacher and consultant, her concerns with the tone Mr. Santiago uses in his classroom to redirect Joey, a student who has been diagnosed with an emotional disability. Joey struggles with getting to class on time, controlling his emotions, and understanding personal boundaries. Mr. Santiago often raises his voice to Joey, which frequently creates a power struggle between the two of them. Ms. Lujano does not feel this is an effective approach and has noticed that even after re-directing Joey, Mr. Santiago seems to continue to yell at him, sometimes for the entire class period, or until he has removed Joey from his classroom. Mr. Santiago has not shared any concerns with you and up until this conversation with Ms. Lujano, you were unaware that anything was going on. Shortly after talking with Ms. Lujano, you asked Mr. Santiago how things were going with Joey, and he admitted that he is often frustrated by Joey’s behavior. You offered to meet with Mr. Santiago to come up with some action steps that might be more beneficial for both Joey and him, and he agreed. Now you are creating an action plan to recommend to Mr. Santiago. Use the “Special Education Consultant Analysis Template” to complete this assignment. Support your choices with a minimum of three scholarly resources. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning   the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

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