
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

Introduction:0 1 2 3

Used an Effective Attention Gainer

Communicated a Thesis Statement

Main Points:0 1 2 3

Utilized Clear, Interesting, Effective Content

Related Concepts to Everyday Life/Audience

Provided Details/Used Examples

Demonstrated Creativity

Conclusion: 0 1 2 3

Restated Thesis

Utilized a Memorable Reason to Remember

Language:0 1 2 3

Appropriate, Effective Use of Language

Utilized Distracters: uh, um, like, you know, you guys

Eye Contact:0 1 2 3

Effective Use of Eye Contact

Connect With the Whole Audience

More Eye Contact

Read Too Much

Gestures:0 1 2 3

Too Much/Distracting/Fidgeting

Need to Incorporate More Gestures

Movement:0 1 2 3

Do Not Pace; Move for a Purpose

Need to Add Movement

Voice:0 1 2 3

Effective Use of Voice

Rate: too fast/too slow

Volume: too loud/too soft

Variety: more energy/emotion

Energy and Conviction:0 1 2 3

Appeared Relaxed, Confident, and Comfortable

Maintained High Level of Professionalism

Dressed Professionally/Appropriately

Effectively/Appropriately Utilized Note Card

Overall Performance:0 1 2 3

Excellent!! Outstanding!!

You have shown improvement all semester!


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