Part 1

    Option A: Critical Analysis
    Review the measurement and modeling practice in your company or your former company, and write a short essay to summarize and classify the quality evaluation models used, and describe the measurement data needed to use the models. In particular, here are some specific issues and questions to consider:

    • You need to clearly and precisely define “quality” and its attributes/components in your company context.
    • Can they be quantified? What metrics? Using what kind of measurement scale?
    • Are they external metrics, internal metrics, or both?
    • In case both categories are included, how are the different metrics related?
    • Data collection tools and practice.
    • Data repository and management practice.
    • What analyses are performed on the resulting data?
    • How are the evaluation results used and integrated into the overall software process?

    This is probably more appropriate for software professionals. However, if you don’t feel comfortable discussing the practices at your company, you may choose the second option below.)

    Option B: If you do not have too much to report in the “practice” part, or if you don’t feel comfortable discussing the Measurement/SQE practice at your current/former company due to whatever reasons, you can select a chapter/paper from our online reading list for topic 2 of our CSE 8314, or related papers or book chapters on similar topics, and write a summary of the chapter/paper.
    (This is probably more appropriate for full-time students. Please make sure it is your own summary, based on your understanding of the subject after reading/studying, not something directly from the original source you have just studied.)

You summary/essay should be around 2-3 double-spaced pages.

Part 2:

Select at least two metrics from the category of external metrics

  • 2A. Discuss the definition, data collection, and early availability for these metrics; and
  • 2B. Can they be related to some internal metrics? How? What about their relation to defects and defect metrics?

(Unlike a choice of either 1A or 1B above, you need to do both 2A and 2B here.)

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