For this writing assignment, you must analyze an original social dilemma. In the first section of your paper, present and fully explain a social dilemma. Do not use examples discussed in class or in the text. Be sure to specify how it satisfies the definition (as presented in the book) of a social dilemma. Next, create two tables to present your dilemma as a 2×2 game. Your first table should be descriptive, similar to Figure 4.1 in the text, but reflecting the social dilemma you identify. Your second table should be a payoff matrix showing the payoffs for each of the four hypothetical situations, similar to Figure 4.2a. Briefly explain the payoffs you assigned to each action. Using your payoff matrix, describe the Nash equilibrium/a and the mutually-preferred outcome. Finally, consider how people are sometimes able to resolve this social dilemma in the real world. Clearly explain how this method is successful in moving the players to a socially optimal outcome.

Structural Guidelines: Your paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins in 12 point Time New Roman font. It should be 500 – 750 words (excluding tables and references). The paper should be written in paragraph form (no bullet points, numbering, etc.). You are not required to use any outside sources for this assignment, but if you choose to, be sure to properly cite them according to MLA or APA format. Essays will be graded on spelling, grammar, and organization. Therefore, you are encouraged to make an appointment at the CSU Writing Center, where a staff member can help you with your editing. You may use the attached grading rubric to critically self-evaluate your essay.

Social dilemma essay

Social dilemma essay

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify a social dilemma

25.0 pts


Presents an original social dilemma, correctly explains how it connects to the definition

22.0 pts


Presents an original social dilemma, mostly explains how it connects to definition

17.0 pts


Presents an original social dilemma, weakly explains how it connects to definition

10.0 pts


Presents an unoriginal social dilemma or poorly explains how it connects to definition

0.0 pts


Does not provide an explanation of a social dilemma

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescriptive table

20.0 pts


Provides an easy to read descriptive table, matches description of the social dilemma

18.0 pts


Provides a descriptive table, matches description of the social dilemma

14.0 pts


Provides a descriptive table, weakly matches the description of the social dilemma

8.0 pts


Provides a confusing or incomplete table, does not match description of dilemma

0.0 pts


Does not provide a descriptive table

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePayoff matrix

25.0 pts


Provides an easy to read payoff matrix that matches description of the dilemma, fully explains numerical payoffs for each outcome

22.0 pts


Provides a payoff matrix that matches description of the social dilemma, mostly explains payoffs for each outcome

17.0 pts


Provides a payoff matrix that matches description of the social dilemma, explains payoffs for some outcomes

10.0 pts


Provides a confusing or incomplete payoff matrix, or the matrix does not match description of dilemma, or payoffs are unexplained

0.0 pts


Does not provide a payoff matrix

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReal world resolution

15.0 pts


Correctly chooses and fully explains the socially optimal outcome, provides a compelling real world solution and fully explains method

12.0 pts


Correctly chooses and explains the socially optimal outcome, provides real world solution and mostly explains method

9.0 pts


Incorrectly chooses, or correctly chooses, but weakly explains, provides a weak real world solution or weakly explains method

5.0 pts


Incorrectly chooses socially optimal outcome, or does not explain it, or does not explain method

0.0 pts


Does not identify socially optimal outcome, does not provide real world solution

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, structure

15.0 pts


Well structured, easy to read, has no typos or grammar mistakes, follows structural guidelines

13.0 pts


A couple grammar mistakes, otherwise easy to read

10.0 pts


Several grammar mistakes or does not follow structural guidelines

5.0 pts


Several grammar mistakes, difficult to read, does not follow structural guidelines

0.0 pts


Many grammar mistakes, very difficult to read, does not cite sources (if necessary) or follow structural guidelines

15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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