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APA format.

Five I’s Strategic Analysis: The 5 Is strategic analysis stages include: (1) issue identification; (2) interested strategic stakeholders; (3) incentive of stakeholders; (4) information—objectives; and (5) interaction strategies.

For Lululemon, a yoga and fitness retailer, 2013 was a turbulent year. Lululemon had a number of product issues and the CEO seemed to place the blame on customers rather than on the company.

Use the following websites for details of the events of 2013:

  •  Lululemon Admits Its PR Disasters Are Hurting Sales
  •  Chip Wilson, Lululemon Guru, Is Moving On
  •  Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson Issues Apology Following Thigh-Rubbing Pants Comments

**Using the five I’s strategic analysis stages, write a paper analyzing how you might use the five stages to help Lululemon deal with its strategic stakeholders to avoid future public relations issues.

Please address the following critical elements below in paper:

  1. Main Elements. You have addressed all the questions in the assignment.
  2. Inquiry and Analysis. You show an in-depth understanding of the concepts covered in the assignment.
  3. Integration and Application.You have correctly applied the concepts discussed in the module corresponding with the assignment.
  4. Critical Thinking. You have articulated a clear conclusion based on strong rationale.
  5. Research. You have incorporated at least two outside references into the assignment.
  6. Articulation of Response. You show appropriate grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2–3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one- inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

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