Fill out the sensory activity sheet. There are four sections to this assignment each with an activity portion and a set of reflective questions. The list of necessary items are listed at the beginning of each section and should be readily accessible items. For the hearing portion, you will need to access and listen to the audio file. Since i can’t download the audio file, i explain what is in the file: Speaker reads 10 words with 3 different tone, column A the words was read as high frequency tone was lost, it was really hard to hear it , i could recognize just 3 words right. That shows how elderly with difficulty hearing, hear the words and they don’t aware that they lost this ability and think that people mumble. column B is  like normal tone, i hears all words correct ,except for the last word which was ‘juice” and i heard the word like moose. Column C is like column B almost is easy to hear it, it shows low frequency lost tone,i heard all words right. this show how elderly with decline sense of hearing hear the words. I filled the column already to show how i heard the words based on audio file , because you don’t have the audio file to listen . Now with this information regarding audio file fill out the work sheet.

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