Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Be sure to download the companion resources using the link provided in the reading assignments or click here to access. In this project, you will create and format charts that display your overall grade average for the courses that you are currently taking. You will create and format a 2-D column chart and a 3-D chart. Perform the following tasks: Open this Excel workbook and save the worksheet as “FirstInital_LastName_ChartsIPA03_.xlsx.” Select cell range A5:A8 and G5:G8, using the control feature to select G5:G8, and then click the Insert tab select the Column tab, choose the cluster cylinder column. Select a style from the Design tab and then format the all courses (on the chart) with the fill color of Olive Green, Accent 3. Select the Cluster Cylinder Column chart, use the Cut command, and then paste a copy of the chart in cell A31. Create a second chart from the Design tab. This time, select a Bar chart. Add a chart title to both charts using the Layout Style 1. Label the Cluster Cylinder Column chart CTU Grade Average, and label the bar chart “Your Name” Grade Average. You realize that a score is missing for your IP5 assignment in IT254. Modify cell F6, and add the value of 81. Note: Look at your charts. This action will change your averages. Prepare the worksheet for printing by changing the orientation to Landscape. Go to File and Print preview and adjust the sheet to Fit All Columns on One Page. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the Excel spreadsheet. Please submit your assignment. Reference

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