YOU HAVE TO USE THESE THAT ARE ATTACHED AS PDF FILES —>Resources: Ch. 6, 11, 12, 17, & 18 of Forensic Science Create a 10- to 20-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation, with speaker’s notes , on the topic of science and the detective. Include the following in your presentation: Describe the forensic characteristics of document examination. Describe the collection and preservation of drugs, as well as the toxicology of alcohol and drugs. Define and identify the roles and responsibilities of the forensic pathologist. Define and identify the roles and responsibilities of the forensic entomologist. Define and identify the roles and responsibilities of the forensic toxicologist. Define and identify the roles and responsibilities of the forensic anthropologist. Identify the investigative procedures involving computer forensics. Include any applicable information learned from any of the MyCrimeKit Virtual Lab activities you have completed in your presentation. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Remember to cite your sources in your speaker’s notes and list your source material on a reference slide.

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