Individual Assignment (suggested level of effort: 3.5 hours) There are 2 parts to this assignment.  You can submit two files to the drop box.  MS Project (should you have your own license to the software) is not acceptable for completing any part of this assignment. Part 1 Exercise Questions (40 points) Complete exercise questions 1 (5 pts), 3 (5 pts), 5 (10 pts), 6 (5 pts) and 9 (15 pts) found at the end of Chapter 8. Part 2 Scheduling Problem (50 points) Complete the following: Your child is a member of the school theater group and have been asked to prepare the schedule, etc. for a skit to be performed during the 4th of July celebration in the local village square.  As a volunteer, you offer to serve as the project controller because of your expertise in schedule management. Construct an AON diagram similar to the format used in the Youtube videos found in the commentary using an MS Excel spreadsheet.  Ensure that you include a Start activity and a Finish activity.  Include a legend (example is the one completed in Question 1, Part 1. Calculate the estimated time for each activity using PERT techniques for the 3 estimates provided.  Include a sample calculation. Prepare a table that identifies all paths and their lengths.  Which path is the critical path? During the execution phase of the skit project, one of the activities on the critical path is delayed by one day.  Is this serious? Using the activity estimates for optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time to complete activities on the critical path, qualitatively discuss the estimate uncertainty of the critical path. You will be assessed on content and mechanics. Content (90 points): Each element of this assignment has a correct answer.  Your content will be assessed on whether or not you produced a correct diagram, estimate, result, etc. or the degree to how you demonstrate knowledge of scheduling practices in case your diagram, estimate or result are incorrect. Mechanics (10 points): The results must include sample calculations (where applicable) and be presented in a professional manner. This is not an academic paper, therefore you do not need to follow APA guidelines. Your Instructor will use Turn-it-in to ensure your paper is authentic work. To avoid plagiarism, see the course home page for more information and use the Purdue Online Writing Lab to learn how to paraphrase, summarize and cite the references you use in all academic writing assignments.

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