Each answer must be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words. Reading is there to assist with answering question accuratly

1)Explain congruence and incongruence and give one example of a dialogue between two people that demonstrates congruence. Give one example of a dialogue between two people that demonstrates incongruence. Please cite your sources

TD 1 – Bloch, A. (2011). Communication and Congruence Video – Virginal Satir. Thinbking Allowed Productions. Retrieved from Counseling and Therapy in video, volumes I-III in the Touro Library.

2)Based on the reading of how emotions develop, what are the implications for the work with children, teens and adults?

Please cite your sources : An integrative framework Oxford. Oxford: Oxford University Press. EBSCO eBook collection in the Touro Library

Please let me know if anything else is needed.

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