6 pages research paper no plagiarism.
- What is the author of these articles discussing (i.e. disorder discussed)?
- What does your text/notes say about this topic?
- How do these articles relate to content from the course? Does it conflict with what you have learned in class or is it consistent with course material? If so, in what ways?
- Discuss the classic symptoms of that disorder, and the coures/progression of the disorder over time. Also included statistics on prevalence and incidence of the disorder in the general population.
- According to the literature, can this psychological disorder be resolved. If so, how? If not, why can it not be?
- How are individuals living with this psychiatric disorder treated in our society?
- Is there any stigma of discrimination related to this disorder in our present society?
- How did reading the articles expand your understanding of psychology, mental disorders, and/ or the human condition?
- What was your view of this mental disorder prior to completing this paper? Has your viewpoint changed? If so, how?
- Provide any additional information you deem relevant and important to this topic.
- The research papers must be written in APA style, 6 FULL pages in length (not including your cover page, reference page, or abstract), typed, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, with 1” margins. This should be submitted via SafeAssign on Blackboard, prior to the designated class meeting time. In order to receive full credit on your research paper, they must meet the minimum page requirement, all aforementioned questions should be answered, follow APA format guidelines, and submitted on-time.
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