The final paper is a case write-up of the apartment investment opportunity in problem set four.  Case briefs should be formatted in memo format with font size no smaller than 12, single or double spaced.  Each section is to be clearly labeled.  The grand challenge is to make a recommendation from the given facts regarding which property or properties to invest in, and why. Questions that should be addressed in the final paper include the following: 1. Based on your risk analysis, which property or properties would you recommend for each of the cousins? Why? 1. Would you suggest that the cousins invest individually or in partnership with one another? Why? 1. How should the current/expected market conditions and demographic difference between the property markets affect your recommendation? Please use these questions as a guide and not a format or a reflection of all of the questions that need to be addressed by the case analysis. I recommend you start problem set four and the final paper early.  Students will have access to Site-To-Do-Business (STDB) to work on problem set four.  Accessing STDB requires a pre-assigned STDB username and password.  These usernames and passwords will be emailed to each student.  Students will also have access to Co-Star data to work on problem set four.  Problem set four will require creating a detailed excel-based financial analysis of an apartment investment opportunity using these databases. The final paper is a case write-up of the apartment investment opportunity in problem set four.  Case briefs should be formatted in memo format with font size no smaller than 12, single or double spaced.  Each section is to be clearly labeled.  The grand challenge is to make a recommendation from the given facts regarding which property or properties to invest in, and why. Questions that should be addressed in the final paper include the following: 1. Based on your risk analysis, which property or properties would you recommend for each of the cousins? Why? 1. Would you suggest that the cousins invest individually or in partnership with one another? Why? 1. How should the current/expected market conditions and demographic difference between the property markets affect your recommendation? Please use these questions as a guide and not a format or a reflection of all of the questions that need to be addressed by the case analysis. I recommend you start problem set four and the final paper early.  Students will have access to Site-To-Do-Business (STDB) to work on problem set four.  Accessing STDB requires a pre-assigned STDB username and password.  These usernames and passwords will be emailed to each student.  Students will also have access to Co-Star data to work on problem set four.  Problem set four will require creating a detailed excel-based financial analysis of an apartment investment opportunity using these databases.

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