Instructions :
1- WORD format only.
2-must mention question number clearly in their answer.
3- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Assignment Instructions: Approach I
- Login to Saudi Digital library (SDL).
- Click on “open access”.The search engine page will open.
- In Search engine of SDL write the following title as keyword and click search button.
- Evaluation of the Conceptual Theories, Elements, and Processes of Knowledge Management in Modern Day Organisations
- Open this research paper, read it thoroughly to answer the assignment questions.
- Besides this research paper use other material also to support your answer.
Assignment Instructions: Approach II
- Copy and paste the following link in your internet browser.
- The link will take you to website of “Directory of open access journals”.
- Copy the following title and paste it in “Search engine of DOAJ website”.
- Evaluation of the Conceptual Theories, Elements, and Processes of Knowledge Management in Modern Day Organisations
- The search results will show you the above research paper. Open the research paper and click on “Full text” Written near abstract of this paper.
- Read the research paper thoroughly and answer the assignment questions.
- Besides this research paper use other material also to support your answer.
Assignment Question(s):
1- Summarize the historical overview of knowledge management in your own words. Support your answer with minimum two references (250-300 Words)
2-Why is knowledge management important? Explain the core elements of knowledge management.
3- How is tacit knowledge different from explicit knowledge? Describe how the major types of knowledge (i.e., tacit and explicit) are transformed in the Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM. Use a concrete example to make your point.
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