Employee behavior in an organization is: usually far from optimal. prone to create secure work environments. not subject to policies and guidance. similar to machines. 10.00000 points   Saved QUESTION 2 Which of the following statements is true regarding organizational policy and security awareness training? Employee attitudes toward security awareness training can range from indifferent to eager. Employees’ willingness to work and learn is universal across different organizations. Employees’ adherence to security policy is solely dependent upon the organization’s structure. You can only create an organizational policy framework to define policies in flat organizations. 10.00000 points   Saved QUESTION 3 Executive management, IT security policy enforcement monitoring, and human resources, all must have a unified front regarding the: size and structure of the organization. management structure and advancement opportunities. issuance of executive orders within the organization. disciplinary treatment of policy violations. 10.00000 points   Saved QUESTION 4 Which of the following areas of the organization is responsible for establishing the policy commitment and implementation for the entire organization? Executive Management Supervisory-Level Management Human Resources IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 5 Which of the following areas of the organization conducts system logging, content filtering logging, and e-mail filtering logging with automated reporting for monthly or quarterly policy compliance reviews? Executive Management Supervisory-Level Management Human Resources IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 6 Which of the following areas of the organization is responsible for ensuring that employees, contractors, and consultants conform to all organizational policies? Executive Management Supervisory-Level Management Human Resources IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 7 Violations of security policies are considered to be a(n) __________ issue upon which proper disciplinary actions must be taken. law enforcement employer-employee executive-staff implementation 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 8 Depending on the violation’s severity, repeat or continued violations of organization-wide policies might be grounds for: refusing to pay earned wages. denying overtime assignments. termination of employment. limiting an employee’s Internet access. 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 9 Flat organizational structures are characterized by a management structure that: is cross-functional and more open to employee input. places all decision making at the executive management level. provides limited access and connectivity to employees. considers employee contributions to be of no value. 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 10 Hierarchical organizational structures are characterized by departments that are separated by: creativity level. salary level, creating animosity between departments. teams, creating competitiveness between departments. function, creating multiple functional silos. 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 11 In hierarchical organizational structures, communication between employees tends to: be very difficult to achieve at all. occur across organizational functions. be more “top-down.” be more “bottom-up.” 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 12 In flat organizational structures, employees tend to be: more open and communicative. more interested in financial rewards. constrained within their role or function. less likely to interact across the organization. 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 13 Employees in organizations with flat organizational structures tend to be more: creative and involved in business decisions. dissatisfied and apathetic. financially successful. concerned about job security. 10.00000 points   Save Answer QUESTION 14 Hierarchical organiz…

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