Question 1 1 out of 1 points A heuristic solution is Question 2 1 out of 1 points How many decision variables are there in a transportation problem which has 5 supply points and 4 demand points? Question 3 1 out of 1 points Exhibit 3.1 The following questions are based on this problem and accompanying Excel windows. Jones Furniture Company produces beds and desks for college students. The production process requires carpentry and varnishing. Each bed requires 6 hours of carpentry and 4 hour of varnishing. Each desk requires 4 hours of carpentry and 8 hours of varnishing. There are 36 hours of carpentry time and 40 hours of varnishing time available. Beds generate $30 of profit and desks generate $40 of profit. Demand for desks is limited, so at most 8 will be produced. Let X1 = Number of Beds to produce X2 = Number of Desks to produce The LP model for the problem is MAX: 30 X 1 + 40 X 2 Subject to: 6 X 1 + 4 X 2 £ 36 (carpentry) 4 X 1 + 8 X 2 £ 40 (varnishing) X 2 £ 8 (demand for desks) X 1 , X 2 ³ 0 A B C D E 1 Jones Furniture 2 3 Beds Desks 4 Number to make: Total Profit: 5 Unit profit: 30 40 6 7 Constraints: Used Available 8 Carpentry 6 4 36 9 Varnishing 4 8 40 10 Desk demand 1 8 Refer to Exhibit 3.1. Which cells should be changing cells in this problem? Question 4 0 out of 1 points How many constraints are there in a transportation problem which has 5 supply points and 4 demand points? (ignore the non-negativity constraints) Question 5 1 out of 1 points Exhibit 3.1 The following questions are based on this problem and accompanying Excel windows. ones Furniture Company produces beds and desks for college students. The production process requires carpentry and varnishing. Each bed requires 6 hours of carpentry and 4 hour of varnishing. Each desk requires 4 hours of carpentry and 8 hours of varnishing. There are 36 hours of carpentry time and 40 hours of varnishing time available. Beds generate $30 of profit and desks generate $40 of profit. Demand for desks is limited, so at most 8 will be produced. Let X1 = Number of Beds to produce X2 = Number of Desks to produce The LP model for the problem is MAX: 30 X 1 + 40 X 2 Subject to: 6 X 1 + 4 X 2 £ 36 (carpentry) 4 X 1 + 8 X 2 £ 40 (varnishing) X 2 £ 8 (demand for desks) X 1 , X 2 ³ 0 A B C D E 1 Jones Furniture 2 3 Beds Desks 4 Number to make: Total Profit: 5 Unit profit: 30 40 6 7 Constraints: Used Available 8 Carpentry 6 4 36 9 Varnishing 4 8 40 10 Desk demand 1 8 Refer to Exhibit 3.1. Which cells should be the constraint cells in this problem? Question 6 1 out of 1 points Exhibit 3.2 The following questions are based on this problem and accompanying Excel windows.The Byte computer company produces two models of computers, Plain and Fancy. It wants to plan how many computers to produce next month to maximize profits. Producing these computers requires wiring, assembly and inspection time. Each computer produces a certain level of profits but faces only a limited demand. There are also a limited number of wiring, assembly and inspection hours available in each month. The data for this problem is summarized in the following table. Computer Model Profit per Model ($) Maximum demand for product Wiring Hours Required Assembly Hours Required Inspection Hours Required Plain 30 80 .4 .5 .2 Fancy 40 90 .5 .4 .3 Hours Available 50 50 22 Let X 1 = Number of Plain computers to produce X 2 = Number of Fancy computers to produce MAX: 30 X 1 + 40 X 2 Subject to: .4 X 1 + .5 X 2 £ 50 (wiring hours) .5 X 1 + .4 X 2 £ 50 (assembly hours) .2 X 1 + .2 X 2 £ 22 (inspection hours) X 1 £ 80 (Plain computers demand) X 2 £ 90 (Fancy computers demand) X 1 , X 2 ³ 0 A B C D E 1 Byte Computer Company 2 3 Plain Fancy 4 Number to make: Total Profit: 5 Unit profit: 30 40 6 7 Constraints: Used Available 8 Wiring 0.4 0.5 50 9 Assembly 0.5 0.4 50 10 Inspection 0.2 0.3 22 11 Plain Demand 1 80 12 Fancy Demand 1 90 Refer to Exhibit 3.2. Which cells should be the constraint cells in this problem? Que…

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