Please see attached part 1 for summary to be included in this paper. Please also include sources in reference list

In NURS 410, you developed the first part of a Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal to address an identified patient care need. For part this paper, Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal, Part 2 – you will develop an evidence-based implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care issue.

– Utilizing the research that you conducted in NURS 410, you will develop an implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care need.

– The research findings should come from peer-reviewed scientific journals.

– Please note: You are required to submit the paper that you wrote in NURS 410 – Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal Part 1 along with the submission of this paper.



– Identifies problem that needs to be addressed, (summary of issue identified from meeting with nurse leader in NURS 410).

– Explain why an intervention is needed for this problem

Literature Review Summary

– Findings from the literature review are summarized (summary of literature review from NURS 410)

– Findings are related to the proposed intervention

– Uses seven or more scientific journal articles

Intervention Plan

– States proposed intervention plan (based on findings from the literature)

– Outlines timeline for implementation of plan

– Outlines responsibilities for implementation and feedback

– Apply a relevant nursing leadership theory/concept to be utilized in order to implement plan

– Outline how responsibilities for implementation and feedback will be addressed.


– Identifies the stakeholders needed to implement the plan including their roles

– Addresses the management structure/process issues

– State how the identified nursing theory would be utilized when interacting with the stakeholders

Resources Needed to Implement Plan

– Identifies the resources needed to implement the plan

– If resources are not available, makes recommendations for needed resources

– Outlines the budgetary needs, including type of budget, to implement plan

Evaluation Plan

– Describe a clear and concise method of monitoring the outcomes of the quality improvement plan (based on findings from the literature).

– Identify a clear and ongoing reassessment strategy

– State how the identified nursing leadership theory/concept will be utilized in developing a reevaluation plan with the stakeholders

– Outline a timeline for reevaluation of the plan.


– Restate the patient care issue, including summary statement about the findings from the literature

– Summarizes the proposed intervention, role of the stakeholders, recommendations for reevaluation and ongoing assessment strategies.

– States nursing theory/concept to be utilized to implement and evaluate the plan

– Makes future recommendations.

Your Final Paper should be at least 14 pages double-spaced (not including cover page and references). part of these 14 pages will be covered from text from the first attached assignment.

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