- Many indigenous methods of healing differ from Western notions of healing. Indigenous healing is a culture-specific intervention, which is indigenously developed to treat the native people. Naikan therapy is a type of indigenous healing, which was created and promoted by Ishin Yoshimoto. In 1953, Yoshimoto established the first Naikan center in Yamato Koriyama, Nara, Japan. Naikan means introspection. Nai means inner or inside and kan means looking. Therefore, Naikan literally means looking inside or looking within. It involves a process of continuous meditation based upon highly structured instruction in self-observation and self-reflection, and its purposes are self-discovery and self-renewal. In Naikan, we explore our past using the following three themes:
- What we received from others.
- What we did for others.
- The troubles we caused others.
In your paper, answer the following:
- Describe the similarities and differences between indigenous healing methods, such as Naikan therapy, and Western psychotherapy.
- What psychological theories (such as cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytical, et cetera) apply to interpreting indigenous healing techniques?
- How effective are indigenous healing methods? Present research findings from scholarly literature to support your answer.
- Describe how someone seeking treatment for mental disorders is viewed by society. Support your answer with information from professional or scholarly sources.
You may choose to use the template provided in the resources for this paper.Your paper should be between 4–6 pages in length, formatted as per APA guidelines. Include a minimum of three scholarly sources within your paper to support the assertions made.
Note: The running head is an abbreviated title of the paper. The running head is located at the top of pages of a manuscript or published article to identify the article for readers. The running head should be a maximum of 50 characters, counting letters, punctuation, and spaces between words. The words “Running head” is on the cover page but not on the rest of the document. The running head title is all CAPS. Page 1 begins on the cover page. The entire document should be double-spaced, have 1″ margins on all sides, and use 12-point, Times New Roman font.
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