Papers should include a three to four-page summary that captures the content of the standards and details about the indicators (half-1 page for each standard). Standards 6-10 found here: (page 20-24) Students should then identify a school leader (not your mentor) to interview about the standards and create interview questions related to the standards. After creating the interview questions, a 30-minute to 1 hour interview should be conducted with the school leader. Students will then write a 1-2 page summary of that interview. Be sure to include the name and position of the school leader.  The final submitted assignment should include: • Interview questions • Summary of standards (3-4 pages)-Approximately half page for each standard. • Summary of the interview (1-2 pages) Students also must include 3 citations in each of their papers, and two of those must be peer-reviewed articles. You can search library databases for only peer-reviewed articles. Your summary should make connections from the literature to practice.

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