Develop a proposed evidence-based change-project plan specific to the environment you are using to implement your change project. Your environmental assessment will include a work breakdown structure, a budget plan, and a measurement tool. This week, you will design a plan that is at least four pages in length and includes all the information listed in the instructions below to discuss the elements of your proposed plan. Develop an environmental assessment of your change project area and its readiness for the specific change project you are going to implement. Include a work breakdown structure. For example, you could create a (timeline/task list/Gantt chart)—a hierarchical definition of the planned tasks and activities of a project that normally begins with the highest-level activities and works downward into the individual tasks. Include a proposed project budget (table or spreadsheet) for the project that addresses the needed personnel, equipment, and supplies that may have associated costs. Click this link for a sample budget template . Include your measurable evaluation methods (indicators/metrics). Include the actual measurement tool you will use and describe any of the following that are applicable to your project: cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care (visits/procedures/admissions), patient/family satisfaction, associate satisfaction, associate engagement, retention, clinical outcomes, injury prevention, and risk reduction. The project will take place in Sanitas medical center where patients will fill out a questionnaire There is no budget needed, please address this in the paper. The measurable tool is the DSMQ, which I have attached. Please review the attachments.

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