In Module 1, you were asked to review the assignment instruction for the Module 8 Portfolio Project. The Portfolio assignment requires that you select a topic in Audience as it applies to corporate writing. It is vital you form a working thesis about your topic early so that you can shape your research and form an inquiry plan about the research material that you will be using. You will also need to select and analyze key concepts of the topic early in the research process.

For this Critical Thinking Assignment, you are to compose a working thesis that takes a definite position on use of Audience in writing and maps a few of the main points you plan to explore. Your paper should accomplish the following:

  • Identify the topic you have decided on.
  • Develop a research question.
  • State the overall claim that you want your essay to discuss. This will be your working thesis, and it is apt to change as you progress in later weeks. It is fine to start simple, for now, and build in more complexity later.

For example, one could choose how to define a particular audience for a writing event at work. How do you define the audience? How does that audience change the information you use in the document? How might the audience affect the writing style you use?

Before you make a final discussion, try brainstorming. Choose two or three potential topics and explore the key concepts involved to see if the topic holds your interest and is achievable.


  • Use third person.
  • Assert your academic voice.
  • Describe why you made your final selection and discuss in some detail the key concepts you think are important to that topic.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

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