Tony Prince is the project manager for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Team members include you, a programmer/analyst and aspiring project manager; Patrick, a network specialist; Nancy, a business analyst; and Bonnie, another programmer/analyst. Other people are supporting the project from other departments, including Yusaff from human resources and Cassandra from finance. Assume that these are the only people who can be assigned and charged to work on project activities. Recall that your schedule and cost goals are to complete the project in six months for under $200,000. Tasks 1.    Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Chapter 5(SEE ATTACHED). Propose three to five additional activities that would help you estimate resources and durations. Write a one-page paper describing these new activities. 2.    Identify at least eight milestones for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Write a short paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Discuss how determining these milestones might add activities or tasks to the Gantt chart. Remember that milestones normally have no duration, so you must have tasks that will lead to completing the milestone. 3.    Using the Gantt chart you created earlier and the new activities and milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, create a new Gantt chart using Project 2016. Estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram, each on one page.

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