Lab 2, Chapter 2: Project Profiling NAME: Chapter 2, Section 1 Exercises 1. Several types of project profiles use budget size, location, and __________ knowledge. 2. Project profiling is the process of extracting a characterization from the known _____________ of a project. 3. Describe how location can make a difference in the difficulty of a project. 4. Why is it valuable to create a project profile? Base your answer on the text of this chapter but use your own words. Project Profiling Activity Propose another attribute that might be used for project profiling besides budget size, location, and technical knowledge. Include the following in your answer: Describe the categories into which you would divide your attribute. Describe the skills or knowledge a project manager would need to work on a project in each of your categories. Chapter 2, Section 2 Exercises 1. The typology of Shenhar and Dvir used attributes of technological ____________ and project scope. 2. The typology of Youker used several attributes, including the ________ of workers. 3. What are the two attributes of a project that Shenhar and Dvir used to characterize projects? Chapter 2, Section 3 Exercises 1. Complex systems _____ to changes in their external and internal environments. 2. The Darnall-Preston Complexity Index (DPCI) groups project attributes into four categories: external, internal, _________, and environmental. 3. What are the characteristics of a system that make it complex? Chapter 2, Section 4 Exercises 1. The external attributes considered in the DPCI are relative size, ________, and available resources. 2. The internal attributes considered in the DPCI are clarity of scope, complexity of the organization, and agreement among _________. 3. The technological attributes considered in the DPCI are ______ of the technology and familiarity of the team with the technology. 4. The environmental attributes considered…

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