Complete Chapter 10 Case Project 4 “Installation Troubleshooting at North Jetty Manufacturing” (page 496 in print text).  Find a PRODUCT to recommend for each scenario.  (For example, taking frequent breaks from the computer might be a good idea if someone is experiencing discomfort, but there are also ergonomic products which might help the situation.  You are to find one or more of those products for each of the six scenarios.)  For each of the problems listed, include not only your product recommendation, but also the URL that directly takes the reader to the product you are recommending on the Web. (Do not include a URL to the home page of the supplier, but rather the complete URL that links directly to the one product you are recommending.) Also include a link to a web site of reviews of that product. (If the reviews are on the same page as the product itself, note that in your memo). Make CERTAIN that your document is in the form of a memo to Candace Van Camp , as stated in your textbook. (There is a business memo template in Microsoft Word, if you need help with memo format). Spelling, grammar, correct citations, and content will all influence your project grade.

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