In this  assignment,  you will  be analyzing sequence,  selection,  and loop,  the relational comparison operators,  precedence when combining AND  and OR  operators,  and the case structure. Instructions: Part I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design a program  in which,  from  a date  entered by  keyboard with the format DAY,  MONTH,  YEAR,  the date of  the following day  is  obtained. Write a program  that  asks  the user  to enter  two numbers.  If  the first  number entered is  greater  than the second number,  the program  must  print  the message “The first  number  is  the  largest”,  otherwise the  program  must  print  the message “The first  number  is  the  smallest”.  Consider  the case that  both numbers  are equal  and print  the  corresponding message. Write a program  that  simulates  the normal  operation of  a modern elevator  with 25 floors  (levels)  and that  has  two buttons:  UP  and DOWN,  except  on the lower floor  (level),  that  there  is  only  a call  button to  UP  and the  last  floor  (level)  that only  exists  DOWN  button. Write a program  that  selects  the arithmetic  operation to be executed between two numbers  depending on the value of  a variable called selectionOp. Write an algorithm  that  displays  the next  double message: Enter  a month (1 for  January,  2 for  February,….…) Enter  a day  of  the month The algorithm  accepts  and stores  a number  in the “month”  variable  in response to the  first  question and accepts  and stores  a number  in the “day”  variable in response to the second question.  If  the  month entered is  not  between 1 and 12 inclusive,  an information message should be displayed  to  the user  warning that the number  entered is  not  valid as  a month;  in the same  way  we proceed with the number  that  represents  the day  of  the month if  it  is  not  in the range between 1 and 31.   Modify  the  algorithm  to alert  the  user  to no  enter  numbers  with decimals. Part II. 1.  In the  following pseudocode,  what  percentage raise will  an employee in Department  8 receive? if  department  <  5  then   raise =  SMALL_RAISE else    endif if  department  <  14  then raise  =  MEDIUM_RAISE else    endif if  department  <  9  then raise  =  BIG_RAISE endif 2.  Design a flowchart  or  pseudocode for  a program  that  accepts  two numbers from  a  user  and displays  one of  the following messages:  First  is  larger, second  is  larger,  numbers  are equal. 3.  Cecilia’s  Boutique wants  several  lists  of  salesperson data.  Design a flowchart or  pseudocode for  the  following: a.  A program  that  accepts  one salesperson’s  ID  number,  number  of items  sold in the last  month,  and total  value of  the items  and displays data message only  if  the salesperson is  a high performer—defined as a person who sells  more than 200 items  in the month. b.  A program  that  accepts  the salesperson’s  data and displays  a message only  if  the salesperson is  a high performer—defined a person who sells  more than 200 items  worth  at  least  $1,000 in the month. 4.  The Dash  Cell  Phone  Company  charges  customers  a  basic  rate of  $5 per month to send text  messages.  Additional  rates  are as  follows: •  The first  100 messages  per  month,  regardless  of  message length,  are included in  the basic  bill. •  An additional  three cents  are charged for  each text  message after  the 100th message,  up to and including 300 messages. •  An additional  two cents  are charged for  each text  message after  the 300th message. •  Federal,  state,  and local  taxes  add a total  of  14 percent  to  each bill. Design a flowchart  or  pseudocode for  the following: a.  A program  that  accepts  the following data about  one customer’s messages:  area code (three digits),  phone number  (seven digits),  and number  of  text  messages  sent.  Display  all  the data,  including the monthend bill  both before and after  taxes  are added. b.  A program  that  conti...

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