Procter and Gamble Corporate Strategy


For your selected firm (Procter and Gamble) research the firm’s corporate strategy, including its level of diversification, corporate structure, extent of vertical integration, and global scope. Use the Capella University Library, the Internet, or the case studies and firm research information in the Assessment Resources to find at least four current, scholarly, or professional resources for this assessment.


Write a 4–6 page business analysis regarding the selected firm’s corporate strategy to the vice president of corporate strategy. Include the following in your memo:

  • Analyze the corporate strategy of the selected firm, including product, geographical, and vertical scope in which it operates. Has the firm expanded from its initial product line or field of operation? Does the firm own vertically related activities along the value chain for its products? Does the firm employ any of the following three elements of corporate strategy: diversification, vertical integration, or globalization? Are global alliances an overall part of the corporate strategy?
  • Analyze the firm’s overall corporate structure and key management systems.
  • Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of the selected firm.

Write coherently to support a central idea (in appropriate APA format) with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.

Additional Requirements

  • References: Support your business analysis with at least four academic resources .Use proper APA style and format for citations and references.
  • Length: The body of the business analysis must be 4-6 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the references list.
  • Written communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through accurate communication of thoughts that convey the overall goals of the analysis and do not detract from the message.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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