Presentation of Data

Regardless of the importance or uniqueness of data, the manner of presentation is critical in ensuring that the intended message is communicated correctly. Confusing or misleading graphs and tables can complicate or even derail the decision-making process.

For your Application this week, you will have the opportunity to analyze and suggest ways to improve the way data is presented. To prepare for the assignment:

  • In the Learning Resources, you will find listed the link to the Perceptual Edge website, which contains examples of information presented in a manner that is of poor design. When you click on any example, it shows an analysis of the problems with that particular presentation and this is followed by recommendations as to how to best improve the presentation to make it more informative and meaningful.
  • After reviewing these examples, study the handout in this week’s Resources entitled, “Poor Visual Design.” Think about these things as you examine the presentation:
  • What types of data are presented in this graph?
  • What is the context for those data?
  • What story is the graph trying to tell?
  • What would make the story easier to understand (and in less time)?
  • Next, you should review “Using Knowledge of Perception to Create Effective Visualizations” on pp. 33-49, and “Overcoming the Limits of Memory” on pp. 49- in your Now You See It text.

Your Assignment:

For the first part of this assignment, examine the farmer’s market data in the handout, “Poor Visual Design,” Analyze it in the same manner as you saw in the examples in the Perceptual Edge website. Provide analysis of the problems with the current presentation, and make at least two recommendations to improve how the data could be presented in a more user-friendly fashion. Note: You do not need to recreate the data given.

For the second part of this assignment,, find one additional example on the Internet (Note – you need to find an example from a resource outside of those provided in the classroom.) that is poorly designed for communication. Again, analyze the problems with the current presentation, and provide at least two recommendations to improve it. Make sure to include a link to the example you discuss.

Your completed document should include:

Part 1- The Farmer’s Market Data Presentation

  • An analysis of the problems with the current presentation.
  • At least two recommendations to improve the data presentation and
  • Your rationale for why you think they would result in improved communication of the data.

Part 2 – Your Example

  • An analysis of the problems with the current presentation.
  • At least two recommendations to improve the data presentation and
  • Your rationale for why you think they would result in improved communication of the data.
  • The link to the example you found from resources outside those provided in the classroom on the Internet. (If you find a graph where the author has already provided analysis and recommendations, you should either continue to look for another example or develop your own recommendations.)

Poor Visual Design


Few, S. (2009). Now you see it: Simple visualization techniques for quantitative analysis. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press.

Few, S. (2012). Show me the number: Designing tables and graphs to enlighten. Oakland, CA: Analytics Press.

Gonick, L., & Smith, W. (2015). The cartoon guide to statistics. New York, NY: William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins .

Tufte, E. R. (2003). Visual and statistical thinking: Displays of evidence for making decisions ; displays of evidence for making decisions. Graphics Pr.

Herniman, J., & Lycette, B. (2008). On display. Industrial Engineer: IE, 40(2), 49-53.
Retrieved from the Computer & Applied Sciences Complete database.

All work in APA format with proper citing!

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