Pre-Viewing: Oliver and Stuart Videos


  • Start assignment before you begin watching the videos for discussion this week
  • Due Friday by 11:59pm

Now that you have some knowledge about the issue of food waste, please complete the following chart by developing three questions you still have about the issue at hand. Once you have your questions, think of what you may already know or what you can guess about the answers. Finally, as you watch the two videos and review your articles from last week, fill in any information the sources give you that can be helpful in finding these answers.

Questions I still have about the causes and/or effects of food waste

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

What do I already know about this from the articles and personal experience? Educated guesses?

Answer from Oliver (if applicable)

Answer from Stuart (if applicable)

Answer from Royte (if applicable)

Answer from Allison (if applicable)

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