This is a scenario-based assignment. In this scenario, you are a criminal justice professor who has been invited to give a presentation to high school seniors who have expressed interest in a career in the criminal justice system. The purpose of the presentation is to teach them about the criminal justice system and help them gain a better understanding of key aspects of the field, and ultimately help them determine if they want to pursue a career in this field. Your presentation should address the following points:

Section Topic Length
1 Introduction. Historical summary of the criminal justice system and identification of key legal terms 2 slides
2 Crime Theories. Identification of three crime theories and how they are used by practitioners 3 slides
3 Ethics. Ethical issues that are inherent to the criminal justice system and ways that unethical conduct can be avoided 3 slides
4 Police. Overview of the different types of police agencies, and a description of the functions of the police 3 slides
5 Courts. Overview of court system and the functions of the courts 3 slides
6 Corrections. Overview of the correctional system and a description of the functions of corrections 3 slides
7 Juvenile Justice. Overview of the juvenile justice system and how it is different from the adult system 3 slides
8 Globalization of Crime. Description of the globalization of crime and impact it has had on the United States 2 slides
9 Private Sector. Description of two private sector criminal justice positions and the functions and requirements of the positions 2 slides

Your presentation should contain 24 slides (not including title slide and references slide), be supported by five scholarly resources, and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings. Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Review the Portfolio Project Rubric for full details on how you will be graded on this assignment.

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