Assume that today is May 31, 2012, and Table A2.4 (in the exercise) contains the tracking information for the project up till now. Enter this information into your saved baseline file, and prepare a 1-page status report for the POM + project. Your status report should address the following questions: How is the project progressing in terms of cost and schedule? What activities have gone well? What activities have not gone well? What do the PCIB and PCIC indicate in terms of how much of the project has been accomplished to date? What is the forecasted cost at completion (EACf)? What is the predicted VACf? Report and interpret the TCPI for the project at this point in time. What is the estimated date of completion? How well is the project doing in terms of its priorities? Present the above information in a form worthy of consideration by top management. Include printouts of an Earned Value table and a Tracking Gantt Chart. Note: Insert May 31, 2012, as the status date in the Project Information box.

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