Political/Government Event Report

For the Unit 6 Assignment you will compose a 500 word essay based upon your observations of a political or governmental meeting, speech, gathering, or similar activity that concerns either civil rights or civil liberties.

You will need to first identify an activity that you will be able to attend. Examples of relevant activities include political speeches, town/city council meetings, school board meetings, political rallies or protests, public forums, or any similar activity that include topics pertinent to either civil liberties or civil rights. If you have any questions regarding the viability of the activity that you have in mind, contact the instructor. Though it is not preferable, you may choose to view a recorded version of the activity (speeches, Congressional proceedings, political rallies, and similar events are often available online) if your schedule precludes you from attending a “live” event.

Within a 500 Word essay please include:

  • An introduction.
  • Describe the observed political event in detail, including the environment and people involved.
  • Describe how the event is directly related to the study of civil liberties or civil rights and how one may better understand these topics by attending a similar event.
  • Make note of any aspects of the event that seemed confusing to you and/or any questions that came to mind during the observation.
  • Support your answer(s) with information obtained from the text and at least one academic source.
  • A conclusion.
  • Correct grammar and syntax
  • APA format

The Assignment should be at least 500 words, and must use and cite the text and primary documents as sources. Cite the work internally and in full reference at the end, following APA style guidelines. Citation is important to build the definitions, demonstrate your research, and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which are from the source. Check with the KU Writing Center for APA style tips and assistance.

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